Hi all! I agree that Julia should have mustered up the courage to tell the boss that the cover outfit was chosen by her, and not Lauren, during the meeting itself. Postponing this confrontation only made things worse and deprived Julia of the credit that she deserved. It would have avoided all the bad feelings and complications later on. I agree with Geck Keat that when we work in teams, it is better to be more accommodating and open-minded towards your team mates’ work, instead of being overly critical. Also, like Gillian and Tan Chen said, there may be a way to save Julia’s reputation yet, if any evidence supporting her can be shown to her superiors. Lastly, as Zhu Li said, the way Julia handled the problem was unprofessional, and showed her in a bad light even though she was not the one in the wrong. It is therefore important to be mindful of one’s actions as one’s reputation is at stake. Thanks to all of you for your suggestions and solutions to this conflict!
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